20 April 2010

Why Have People Been Eating Of Ham for Christmas and Easter:

People have been eating of ham for Christmas and Easter because the criminal who have been managing of this society have wanted to ensure that their sheep were as stupid and clueless as possible. Jesus of Nazareth NEVER had eaten of swine and NEVER altered the dietary law which remains against eating of swine.

Did this society prefer to follow Jesus of Nazareth or to follow the criminals managing their society who have been filling their heads with propaganda? The sheep of this society chose to follow the criminals and thus regularly demonstrate their stupidity by eating of swine to "celebrate" Jesus of Nazareth.

Eating of swine is ridiculing of Jesus. The sheep have been thoroughly brainwashed by the criminal managing this society.

Jesus of Nazareth provided guidance that people chose to ignore.

Following of Jesus would have saved souls WHEN THOSE PEOPLE FOLLOWED THE RULE OF LAW but instead then the rule of law was ignored and their souls were bought by the "New World Order" when those people were easily captured by the "New World Order". This society has been managed by soul-less[1] puppet of the "New World Order".

[1]Evil means soul not. Those soul-less puppet have no "vil" [will] and therefore are "e-vil". Lucifer is who de-vils. Lucifer means who buys of soul.
