This society has been managed by soul-less puppet who are part of the criminal "New World Order". The "New World Order" is organized crime.
The criminal "New World Order" consists of Jew and Pig and Garbage. The Jew protects the Pig and the Garbage; the Pig protects the Jew and the Garbage; the Garbage protects the Jew and the Pig.
This schematic of organized crime can also be written as follows: The Jew and the Pig protects the Garbage; the Pig and the Garbage protects the Jew; the Jew and the Garbage protects the Pig.
The "New World Order" has been an expansion of what historically had been the organized crime of Jew and their soul-less Pig to what now fully includes the Garbage.
The section of this blog labeled "Color-Code" includes reference to each of these group. Yellow and Blue are type of Negro[1]. Some of Negro have skin that is pale and are often referred to as "white" but each has the deficient brain of Negro. There is some variation of intelligence and color of skin and other genetic features among Negro but the brain of Negro is deficient.
[1]When associated with the "New World Order" then those Negro are Garbage.