Jew is not Jew-ISH. Jew-ISH is not Jew.
Jew is a species. The species of Jew descended from Cro-Magnon Man. Some of Jew are a hybrid of Cro-Magnon Man and Mongoloid. The species of Jew is NOT the species of Negro.
Jew-ISH is part of the species of Negro. The "ish" refers to being not the same. Jew-ISH is not the same as Jew. Blue-ish is not blue and red-ish is not red.
Jewish is a group of Negro.
Those people are calling themselves "Jewish" because they do not enjoy being called “Negro” or “Negger”. Negger is a contraction of Negro-egger [N-egger] and refers to the set-back eyes of Negro. The Jewish group of Negro have the set-back eyes of Negro and the deficient brain of Negro. There is no Jewish species. There is no "Jewish People". Jewish is just a group of Negro who have been falsely claiming some type of distinction as compared to other Negro.
Giving weapons to Negro [including those who call themselves "Jewish"] has resulted in many of the problems around the world. Jew with weapons are a separate problem. Unless you recognize the real problems then you would be unable to recognize the solution.
Religious affiliation is a COMPLETELY separate issue. There has been a religion called Judaism and who practices Judaism are Judaists.