14 September 2009

Reason For Shakespeare:

There is so much garbage in literature that people need to be reminded that the ONLY reason for fiction which is commonly called "literature" is for telling of a story for which exists some valid reason that such story could be not told using truthful name and other truthful detail. Literature is a form of lying. THOU SHALT NOT LIE.

Literature was not for entertainment. Shakespeare[1][2][3] told the story of Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice" as fiction because the true detail that the Jew was claiming actual part of the body for payment of debt could be not published as documentary. Jew often controlled what could be published.

Jew has often claimed an actual arm and an actual leg. Jew made such a claim against Us[4].

Other such example may be found in the writing credited to Steinbeck and Dickens and H G Wells and Orwell. In those volume would be found some real documentary with detail altered sufficiently to inhibit censorship.

[1]William Shakespeare had real common sense but an I-Q of 45. The work credited to Shakespeare was written for him by other people.

[2]William Shakespeare with his I-Q of 45 was nominally Jew. The "45" have been always working for Us.

[3]Shakespeare provided useful documentary and social commentary but is often wrongly cited as an example of correct English.

[4]Jew was demanding amputation but that could be delayed. Our body is now safe. Each and every Jew shall be committing suicide.
