26 June 2009


Having previously described the use of color "red" and "orange" for reference to type of Jew then the following are other reference regarding the use of color for identification[1].

Color "green" has been used as the color of Pig.

People who were to be controlling of the part of the "New World Order" identified by color "yellow" and the part of the "New World Order" identified by color "blue" then many decade ago made their unalterable deal with Lucifer. "Yellow" and "blue" are Negro [regardless of color of skin]. When associated with the "New World Order" then those Negro are Garbage.

This society has been managed by a criminal conspiracy of Jew and Pig and Garbage.

Color "violet" and color "indigo" have been used for reference to type of Hebrew[2].

[1]Use of this color-code for reference to various group of people is not indicating any association with those reference to the spectrum of real color following the First Light of which We have written.

[2]A "designated" Hebrew who was "indigo" was killed around 40 of year ago while organized crime wrongly considered Us to be something other than Hebrew.
