23 May 2010

Two More Of Photograph:

Photograph showing the real John Fitzgerald Kennedy missing part of the fingers on his left-hand.

Photograph showing the bewigged Kenneth Sr in the motorcade in Dallas. Kenneth Sr might have been 70 to 80 years of age at that time.


21 May 2010

Assassination of "J-F-K":

[Both of photograph: The real John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas TX on 22 November 1963 C-E.]

There were three of person who were at times known as "John Fitzgerald Kennedy". One of those people was born at Beals Street in Brookline MA and that person was the real John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

The other two of person were of similar appearance to each other and might have been "Kenneth Jr" and "Kenneth Sr" [the name "Ken" was used in a holiday greeting message referring to the younger of the two].

Part of several fingers of the left-hand of the real John Fitzgerald Kennedy had been amputated. A certain entity[1] of organized crime often amputated part of several fingers of people who rejected their "offer" of membership so that those people would be found by that entity to be unacceptable as being unable to lift a brick. The real John Fitzgerald Kennedy rejected their "offer" and became a victim of that entity of organized crime.

Having rejected organized crime then the real John Fitzgerald Kennedy appears to have been abandoned by the Kennedy family and was replaced by Kenneth Jr. Kenneth Sr might have also fathered the member of the Kennedy family known as Jean Ann Kennedy Smith.

Kenneth Jr was the person in the photograph of "John Fitzgerald Kennedy" contained in the yearbook from Harvard University.

The Senator known as "John Fitzgerald Kennedy" was apparently Kenneth Jr but Kenneth Sr appeared as the "Senator Kennedy" during the campaign for President. Kenneth Sr was the person who delivered the Inaugural Address in January of 1961 [C-E]. One of the Kenneth in a photograph at the White House balcony appears to have had a ring-finger amputated but from his right-hand.

The photographic evidence shows that Kenneth Sr was the person killed in Dallas[2]. The real John Fitzgerald Kennedy was never President of the United States[3] and was not killed in Dallas.

Kenneth Jr made an appearance at the "1964-65 World's Fair" in New York where We stood near him at the "US Royal Tires" Ferris wheel. Kenneth Jr seemed petrified that We recognized him and We said that it seemed odd that he would be attempting to hide in New York[4]. Another person who We recognized as being "Ted" Sorensen was also present and standing near Kenneth Jr.

[1]Referred to by some people as "Masons".
[2]The "Zapruder Film" at frame 257 shows the profile of the older Kenneth.
[3]Whether the President was Kenneth Sr or Kenneth Jr is a separate issue. Kenneth Jr might have been the President at that time but the relevant issue is the story regarding the real John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
[4]We said at the time: "That's Kennedy. That is Kennedy. They said they killed him in Dallas and they sent him to New York to hide. Like nobody would notice Kennedy in New York?".


10 May 2010

Suicide-Bomber Having Missiles:

Germany is being kept as hostage by the "State of Israel". When there exists certain circumstances regarding which the "State of Israel" has no control then the missiles carried by submarines which were sold by Germany to the "State of Israel" can be aimed JUST at Germany.

People who have been controlling of the "State of Israel" and controlling of those submarines then intend to launch those missiles and kill themselves. Those people are the real suicide-bomber.

Might be tough luck for Germany. Germany should not have sold those submarines.


Buying The Restaurant:

Imagine people being so stupid that they planned to order whatever was available at some restaurant for fifty of year but instead of ever paying for each item then they used a type of charge-account for use of the restaurant.

At the end of fifty of year then they planned to buy the restaurant and claim that they would not need to pay what is owed because they would "own" the restaurant.

They cannot afford to buy the restaurant. They have not the key that they need to buy the restaurant. We own the restaurant forever.


08 May 2010

Update Regarding Space-Program:

[Photograph from N-A-S-A of the real Neil Armstrong.]

Astronauts Neil Armstrong[1] and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin disappeared immediately after the flight of Apollo 11[2] and were replaced by imposters. The "quarantine" facility was merely a cover for the switch. Any reasonable examination of the facts indicated that quarantine would be completely unnecessary and absurd.

Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin are now deceased. Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin died around 26 of year ago and Neil Armstrong died around 10 of year ago.

The Senator "John Glenn" was NEVER in orbit until he "rode the bus" [as the Space Shuttle is called] into orbit.

The person often playing the role of "Chuck Yeager" is also an imposter[3] and is not the same person who flew the Bell X-1.

[1]Neil Armstrong was fourth-cousin to Us. While wrongly considered to be "yellow" [see "Color-Code" in this blog] and thus accepted for his various jobs then Neil Armstrong was actually "indigo" as was the real Charles A Lindbergh.
[2]The first two of men on the Moon were Hebrew [Armstrong] and Jew [Aldrin]. Armstrong as Pilot was the first to make a landing on the Moon.
[3]That imposter was certainly told "Boy: Do NOT put your fingerprints on that X-1".


05 May 2010

No Forwarding Address:

We have heard that We might be able to leave this pile of dump called "America" in around one of week[1]. There will be no forwarding address.

[1]Update after two of month: Delayed as yet a prisoner of the criminal "New World Order" but on schedule for traveling.


04 May 2010

Notice Of Sentence:

We have never received any notice regarding the various illegal sentence imposed on Us. Some of these sentence appears to have been imposed by a secret court possibly located in the "State of Israel".

The sentence for thirty of year and-then extended is addressed elsewhere in this blog.

There also appears to have been a claim against Us for forty-one of year based on one-third of 120 of year plus one. That forty-one of year seems to have been counted beginning at what would have been the thirteenth birthday of the deceased person whose name We have been using since when We were two-year of age.

In the meantime: We have proven FOREVER that the brain of non-Hebrew type of people cannot be trusted with having control of any part of Our UNIVERSAL system.


Who Is Cro-Magnon Man:

The classification of species of "Cro-Magnon Man" may be interpreted as "Cro[w] Mag Non-Man".

"Cro[w] Mag" refers to some large and stupid[1] bird[2] such as the Cardinal of the Catholic Church;

"Non-Man" refers to sub-human.

Jew is Cro-Magnon Man.

Question - - Art thou Cro-Magnon Man.

[1]Stupid means criminally lacking of common sense.
[2]Bird refers to a wide-eyed species.


How Ends The Presidency of Barack Obama:

There are a few possibilities being considered for ending of the Presidency of Barack Obama as the puppet of Congress appeareth unwilling to impeach. Included among those possibilities are - -

(1) Barack Hussein Obama II confesses on television to being a "9-11 Terrorist" and-then immediately blasts his brains out [publicly convincing];

(2) Air Force One crashes [numerous casualties];

(3) Regardless of veracity then there would be some "newly discovered" information regarding the issue of location of birth [comical by now but quite convenient];

(4) The method which involves putting of mushroom-cloud over Washington D-C.
