17 December 2009
Important Warning For Safety:
Those people might have figured that We would be carrying a copy of Our blog while traveling but due to Our protection then they could not refer specifically to Us as the target and instead selected ANY such aircraft having Our blog onboard as the target.
Our Hebraic lifestyle is somewhat similar to Amish and We no longer use aircraft for recreation or transportation. Obviously then We will be not flying.
This warning includes ANY COPY OF OUR BLOG even in electronic format.
14 December 2009
Hamid Karzai The JEW:
Hamid Karzai is not a Judaist.
Hamid Karzai is not a Muslim.
Hamid Karzai is pretending to be an Islamist (while actually being an enemy of Islam).
Hamid Karzai is a JEW.
[1]The use of imposters for public appearance is a tool of organized crime.
[2]The exception to simple measurement is discussed in the section of the blog labeled "Project Lincoln".
Statum Unitent Of America:
There are some people who actually refer to the territory of the United States as "Statum Unitent of America" citing as grammatical authority that "united" is past-tense and "states" is a verb.
Those people do not recognize the authority of public officials of the United States nor any oaths taken to uphold the statute of the United States. They consider public officials to be little more than theatrical performer providing entertainment for their sheep.
Their entity of organized crime is their only government. Their oath would refer to the "Statum Unitent of America".
The government of the United States has become just a disposable collection of the fool and stooge providing cover for organized crime.
The United States is a country where the sheep are too scared to ask: Question - - Who did you kill to get that job?
02 December 2009
"N-O" Is Not "No":
"N-O" is not "No". "N-O" is not a denial nor a negative response. "N-O" are just the 2 of letter between "M" and "P" in the alphabet. "N-O" is non-responsive unless the inquiry was regarding the letter between "M" and "P" in the alphabet.
Along with the "N-O" routine is often the false claim to have given answer when the answer was not given.
28 November 2009
Suicide By Cigarette:
The Jew and "New World Order" discouraged their Pig and puppet from committing suicide by requiring that their Pig and puppet buy a bullet for killing of themselves. That bullet was not available at the Wal-Mart price. The usual alternative for Pig and puppet was killing of themselves the hard way.
Killing of Pig and puppet via remote-control was done long before information regarding radio was made available to the public. Killing via remote-control was part of the foundation for organized crime. Advances in technology have resulted in killing by the hard way[3] via remote-control of people captured by Jew and the "New World Order".
People thus captured by Jew or the "New World Order" would often search for some other alternative way of committing suicide. Those other alternative way for committing suicide included participating in dangerous physical activity which might lead to death and smoking. The phrase "suicide by cigarette" refers directly to that intentional practice.
[1]The correct term instead of "otherwise".
[2]As indicated by the case of the anchorperson on television-news known as Peter Jennings.
[3]Dispensing of previously implanted poison via radio-signal has been replaced by dispensing of horrible pain.
25 November 2009
22 November 2009
Our Time In Boston:
Residing at the shelter became problematic and We relocated to the street where We resided for 2 of year and 7 of month and around 11 of day[2]. While residing on the street then We had many uninvited visitor who are associate of organized crime including the former Governor of Massachusetts known as Michael Dukakis.
This blog is partly based on Our earlier note written while in Canada and was started while We were residing on the street. Most people in the neighborhood were not friendly toward Us.
From the street then We relocated to a poor-house in the Boston area where some of the other resident are slightly less psychotic than resident at the shelter.
[1]There was also a few of day in Buffalo New York while traveling between Niagara New York and Boston Massachusetts.
[2]The primary issue for sleeping on the street is wet-night or dry-night. Although briefly using for protection from weather a bus-stop shelter and the marquee of Symphony Hall then most of Our nightly campsite were on a park-bench or the sidewalk of Westland Avenue.
21 November 2009
Grammatical Note:
We have also been revising English grammar while writing and will eventually update some older of section to include that correct grammar.
We have received some suggestion for Our blog but have been writing the blog by Ourself. Suppression of grammar causes the false appearance of multiple authorship.
04 November 2009
An Inside-Job:
To facilitate that invasion of Iraq then the attack which destroyed the World Trade Center was planned by Jew and Pig. As expected then the moron of Iraq would kill Saddam Hussein.
Barack Hussein Obama II has in some context been referred to as just "Hussein" as follows: Hussein had some role for plotting of attack which destroyed the World Trade Center in the City of New York. People were deceived to believe that statement would have been referring to Saddam Hussein.
Question - - Did the person commonly known as Barack Hussein Obama II have any role for plotting of attack which destroyed the World Trade Center in the City of New York.
02 November 2009
Lesbian Were Conned:
Lesbian were conned into associating themselves with those filthy disease-spreading faggot.
People with common sense have known for many thousand of year that male "homosexual" are spreader of disease. Even marginally sane society have made male "homosexuality" to be a criminal offense. Lesbian are not considered to be criminal for being lesbian but cannot be married[1].
Lesbian were induced by criminal to join with faggot who have been spewing the nonsense of "same-sex marriage". By using lesbian then faggot have been trying to achieve a personal goal of legitimizing their disgusting behavior.
[1]By definition then a female bisexual can marry a male person but is not a lesbian. A male bisexual remains a faggot regardless of marriage.
24 October 2009
Radio-Induced Suppression Of Memory:
A certain type of radio-signal acts to cancel the analogue radio-frequency pattern associated with some specific word thus causing suppression of memory. By suppressing of memory then people can be caused to act in a manner contradictory to their intent[1].
Another radio-signal can cancel the signal of consciousness of the brain thus causing a type of electronic anesthesia.
The device which transmits these radio-signal is in orbit.
[1]As discussed elsewhere in this blog then radio-signal can also be used for directing the movement of muscle.
16 October 2009
Invention Of Nuclear Weapon:
If the Hebrew had realized the way that this planet would be polluted and overpopulated by genetic garbage then most of the ancient area of population would have been blown and the planet re-populated. At that time then the risk of using those nuclear weapon appeared to be unacceptably large in part because the Jew had been developing the radio-based weapon and might have been ready to launch.
When the time arrives for cleaning of this planet then ANYBODY refusing to cooperate will wish to have never been born.
Stealing That Colored Bow:
[To the tune of "There's No Business Like Show Business"]:
There is no people called "Jewish" people;
There is no such people at all.
Each thing said of them is quite untrue;
Each thing said of them is quite a lie.
The Truth: They want not for you to know
When they are stealing that colored bow.
[To be continued.]
09 October 2009
There Is No "Jewish" Species:
There are Jew [which is a species] and there are Judaist [who believes and practices Judaism] but there is NO SUCH PEOPLE as "Jewish people".
Criminal have attempted to define a species of people that does not exist.
Adolph Hitler had some good intention in his battle against organized crime. There is no "Jewish" species and therefore there was no such "genocide".
06 October 2009
Genetics 101:
Good D-N-A plus good D-N-A makes good D-N-A.
Good D-N-A plus polluted D-N-A makes polluted D-N-A.
Polluted D-N-A plus polluted D-N-A makes polluted D-N-A.
The claim regarding any non-Hebrew species of people to having "descended" from Moses is worthless.
04 October 2009
Robbing From The Planet:
A person does not have ownership of a house for just having been born in that house. Other people do not have ownership of Our planet for just having been born on Our planet.
We are the Owner. Other people are merely holder of deed or holder of title or holder of stock or holder of possession or holder of place [place-holder].
[1]Genetically inferior people have often denounced racism because racism favors the superior species of people instead of the inferior species of people.
01 October 2009
Family Of Anne Frank:
With many million of participant (including the Frank family) in organized crime in Germany then there would obviously be many casualty during any battle against organized crime. Either the battle would have been fought or the territory would have been conceded to organized crime.
There was no alternative method for arresting and detaining many million of participant in organized crime. Those were people who would pollute with drug what would be sold at the market because they were following the order given by their leader of organized crime[1]. Those were people who would be part of organized crime until their death.
Family of member of La Cosa Nostra often claims their relative to be just businessmen. Was John Gotti was just a businessman? The Frank family of organized crime was not just businessmen.
[1]What is not kosher might yet be polluted with drug in many area.
28 September 2009
In China Before Jesus:
As shown in that exhibit then the "45" agrees to accept and hide an imposter baby. That "45" and the imposter baby were found and killed[1]. The other baby was thus protected and survived. As planned then that surviving baby when grown revealed part of this story.
[1]Each and every "45" is accepted in state of Heaven.
25 September 2009
These Blog Are Not Our Book:
We will eventually be writing of Our book. Some version of these blog will be part of Our book.
D-N-A Evidence:
When some biological material was taken from Us then We ordered that Our sample be destroyed. Our sample was destroyed and replaced with biological material from another person to avoid suspicion.
24 September 2009
Issue Regarding The Panchen Lama:
The Dalai Lama made his deal with Lucifer and revoked the "key" belonging to the Panchen Lama. That filthy garbage [the Dalai Lama] was unaware that We are not needing the key belonging to the Panchen Lama.
The Lord is as ONE with Us.
We have the key belonging to GOD.
Democracy 101:
Pollster determines what the public wants to hear and reports to the stooge;
Stooge tells the public whatever crap the public wants to hear;
Public votes for the stooge.
23 September 2009
Missile That Missed:
We circled the area once trying to determine the origin of the missile but did not locate the launch area. That attempted assassination was around 30 of year ago and We did not make any report of that incident at the time for reason of secrecy.
21 September 2009
Butcher Of Robin Bush:
The soul-less [Pig] physician who was an associate of the criminal "New World Order" falsely diagnosed the child as having "leukemia".
The child disappeared.
Around eight years later then that same child who was by-then a young woman was butchered.
Question - - Who is butcher of that person commonly known as Robin Bush.
Answer - - Jew is butcher of that person commonly known as Robin Bush.
[1]Other symptom caused by using a specific type of radio-signal includes severe headache and nausea and suppression of memory and shrinkage of height.
14 September 2009
Reason For Shakespeare:
Literature was not for entertainment. Shakespeare[1][2][3] told the story of Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice" as fiction because the true detail that the Jew was claiming actual part of the body for payment of debt could be not published as documentary. Jew often controlled what could be published.
Jew has often claimed an actual arm and an actual leg. Jew made such a claim against Us[4].
Other such example may be found in the writing credited to Steinbeck and Dickens and H G Wells and Orwell. In those volume would be found some real documentary with detail altered sufficiently to inhibit censorship.
[1]William Shakespeare had real common sense but an I-Q of 45. The work credited to Shakespeare was written for him by other people.
[2]William Shakespeare with his I-Q of 45 was nominally Jew. The "45" have been always working for Us.
[3]Shakespeare provided useful documentary and social commentary but is often wrongly cited as an example of correct English.
[4]Jew was demanding amputation but that could be delayed. Our body is now safe. Each and every Jew shall be committing suicide.
12 September 2009
Staying Alive And Healthy:
We have also been using I-D based on a name which We found around 48 of year ago on mail.
These are among the reason that We have survived and remain 100-percent healthy while many other people who were involved in this situation have died.
[1]The System was used to cause the appearance of having less aeronautical skill.
[2]Our finger-tip was sliced away while building a paper-clock. The tiny part was discarded at the hospital and the finger-tip regrew leaving a small scar.
03 September 2009
Our Journey:
The distinction between Detainee and Prisoner is of real importance as Our most important flying was before We became a Prisoner. The Prisoner situation was completely illegal and involved an act of killing when We were at Freedomland Park in New York City in 1962 [C-E]. We were 3 years of age. The applicable law prevented legal liability due to Our age and the nature of that act of killing[2] but the Jew ignored the law and sentenced for 30 years apparently because We were the beneficiary of that act of self-defensive killing. We stayed alive and therefore We were sentenced to 30 years.
One year was added for appealing the illegal conviction and sentence. The appeal was denied. The Jew added the additional year to the beginning of the sentence so that the penalty for appealing cannot be reversed later as the penalty has already been served [and followed by the illegally upheld 30 year sentence]. It appears that two of six-month extensions were added to the 30 year plus 1 year already served.
[1]That additional time appears related to some separate illegal sentence which was just partially concurrent with the previous illegal sentence.
[2]The act of killing was to prevent a certain and otherwise unavoidable murder. We would have been the victim of murder. The act of killing was legal to prevent that murder.
29 August 2009
Grinning Like Mr Scratch:
Few would recognize that "Tammy" Faye Bakker was routinely painted-up like a circus-clown. Has the phrase "a painted woman" disappeared because the television "news" propaganda is delivered by anchorpeople who are also painted-up like circus-clown [while grinning like Mr Scratch in "The Devil and Daniel Webster"]?
26 June 2009
Color "green" has been used as the color of Pig.
People who were to be controlling of the part of the "New World Order" identified by color "yellow" and the part of the "New World Order" identified by color "blue" then many decade ago made their unalterable deal with Lucifer. "Yellow" and "blue" are Negro [regardless of color of skin]. When associated with the "New World Order" then those Negro are Garbage.
This society has been managed by a criminal conspiracy of Jew and Pig and Garbage.
Color "violet" and color "indigo" have been used for reference to type of Hebrew[2].
[1]Use of this color-code for reference to various group of people is not indicating any association with those reference to the spectrum of real color following the First Light of which We have written.
[2]A "designated" Hebrew who was "indigo" was killed around 40 of year ago while organized crime wrongly considered Us to be something other than Hebrew.
25 June 2009
Knight Have Always Been Pig:
Knight have always been Pig.
The Knight [Pig] did what criminal act was desired by the sovereign and-then the Knight were routinely given what the Knight wanted (which often included readily available wine or liquor and being supplied with many of women and a gluttonous amount of money and having an illusion of power).
11 June 2009
Gunfire At The Holofraud Museum:
This society maintains and promotes propaganda of Jew. The claimed total relating to the "Holocaust" of six-million includes Jew plus their Freemason Pig plus non-Jew casualty. At best then the actual total of just Jew is significantly less than six-million.
Those non-Jew casualty were most often connected through family to the organized crime of Jew and their Freemason Pig. Those non-Jew casualty were most often supporter of and supported financially by the organized crime of Jew and their Freemason Pig.
23 May 2009
Update Regarding Catholic Suicide-Clan:
21 April 2009
First-Born Son Of "J-F-K" [Detail]:
We figured that "Bubier" was really "Bouvier" when We met "Bubier" at day-camp in New York. Our theory was that somebody inquired of John [at some much younger age] regarding his name. At that age then John would not have been speaking correctly so he would have replied "John Bubier" instead of "John Bouvier".
Various member of the Kennedy clan and their many co-conspirator stole what bequest belongs to John Bouvier from the estate of one of the people claiming to be John Fitzgerald Kennedy [Kenneth Jr or Kenneth Sr] while blaming John Bouvier for his personal situation which like many Kennedy involved alcohol and begging for financial donation. The Kennedy family and conspirators would likely claim to have been protecting the career of Senator "John Fitzgerald Kennedy"[3] but there is no defense for stealing.
Stealing of bequest appears to be a common crime in this society as the beneficiary is often unaware of the bequest.
Also of interest might be that "J-F-K" wished wellness for Us[4] when We visited the White House in the common-era year of 1961.
[1]That was the person that We have labeled as "Kenneth Jr" [see "Update Regarding Assassination of J-F-K" in this blog].
[2]As in "he said his name was Bubier" so it would have been his fault.
[3]The Senator known as John Fitzgerald Kennedy was apparently Kenneth Jr but Kenneth Sr often appeared as the "Senator Kennedy" during the campaign for President.
31 March 2009
Replacing The Dollar:
That "E-F" code for "Mayday" can be easily remembered by using the following mneumonic phrase: The United States has been Entirely Fucked.
The United States dollar will be replaced with a different unit of currency.
12 March 2009
First-Born Son Of "J-F-K":
Question - - Is John Bubier who has been also known as "Spare Change Guy" then the son of some person who presented himself to the public as "John Fitzgerald Kennedy".
Mason and Freemason Pig:
Link to Video Having Scruggs and Flatt
The real issue regarding this video was the enhanced contrast used to show Flatt having a darkened area at one of eye representing how Freemason Pig were blinded by Jew. Scruggs is shown having a darkened area beneath his nose representing a Hitler-style mustache. Scruggs might be a Mason and Flatt might have been a Freemason Pig.
21 February 2009
Jew Of India:
18 February 2009
Society Of Ape:
The secret of the Sphinx at Giza is that the Jew of Egypt were producing genetically hybrid type of animal and hybrid type of people. The purpose might have been for producing of warrior or producing of slave. Many species of people are now descendant of such hybrid of people with animal.
14 February 2009
Truth Regarding Islam:
Use of the burqa has been often criticized but was never a rule connected to sexuality. The burqa was part of self-defense by Muslim against the Jew. Jew would have killed every Muslim woman of age for bearing of children. The burqa disguised such women among all women of a community and was purely for self-defense of those Muslim women of age for bearing of children.
When the population of this planet was much less then putting Muslim women (and thus the future of population of Muslim) into the safety-related risk of typical employment would have been idiocy.
12 February 2009
Birthday of Lincoln:
Regardless of his birthday though for recognizing of picture of the real Abraham Lincoln then viewer might examine closely for evidence of the wig worn by the bald Lincoln as well as the scar beneath his socket for left-eye. That scar would be typical of having had one of eye blinded by Jew.
A similar scar appears on victim of Jew as mentioned in Our note regarding the movie "Deliverance".
09 February 2009
Fundamental Principle Of Christianity:
Christianity was based on just two of founding principle: Jew would be unable to be capturing the real follower of Christianity and that there would be no market for crap of Jew.
With not the ability to capture Pig who thus became puppet of Jew and with not buyer for their crap then "red" Jew would be defeated and "orange" Jew would disappear.
Christianity failed miserably.
Instead of accepting the rule of law WHICH WAS NOT ALTERED BY JESUS OF NAZARETH and would have defeated the Jew then the common people continued their pig-like lifestyle and were easily brainwashed and captured by Jew[1] and eventually the "New World Order".
For expanding their empire then "orange" Jew adopted the method used by "red" Jew and thus "orange" Jew became part of the "New World Order".
People chose fraud and gambling instead of work and chose pollution instead of cleanliness and chose puppet of Jew and the "New World Order" to be managing society thus proving the complete failure of Christianity.
[1]People thus captured by Jew and eventually the "New World Order" would often be performing work as puppets just to buy a bullet for killing of themselves.
04 February 2009
Here Of Israel:
How The Jew Stole Passover:
Jew stole the story so what else is new.
With a need to have holiday for gathering of their crew
Then Hanukkah was not enough so Jew stole Passover too.
[To be continued.]
31 January 2009
Planned Assassination of "J-F-K":
In addition to other evidence shown on this blog: The documentary movie "Fog Of War" included a scene wherein "J-F-K" was using the telephone while the hidden handler for "J-F-K" transmitted to "J-F-K" the following statement - - "My only reservation is [PAUSE] out".
"J-F-K" spoke exactly those words as he had heard via radio.
Somebody presenting himself to the public as "J-F-K" would be not going "in" to retire. As had been long-planned then the life of somebody appearing as "J-F-K" would be ended "out" instead of retired at "in".
27 January 2009
Constellation Nathan:
That group of star known as Orion is constellation Nathan.